
"Engaging Hearts, Inspiring Minds"
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Our Vision

FPS students are creative, critical thinkers who contribute as collaborative and engaged global citizens.






Our Mission

To create a positive, flexible, and collaborative learning environment that encourages academic, social and emotional growth. 

We will achieve our mission by:

  • Recognising the uniqueness of every child by engaging children as active participants in the learning process. (Child)
  • Providing a high quality education program that builds positive learning dispositions, strong personal and social capabilities, and strong leadership, communication, literacy and numeracy skills. (Learning Program)
  • Working collaboratively in an  inclusive environment. (Community)
  • Supporting highly skilled staff who base educational decisions on critical reflection and evidence-based best practices. (Staff)


Educational Practices supporting our vision and mission

  • Personalised learning approaches and collaborative practices with a co-constructivist approach.
  • Wellbeing for learning approaches
  • Inquiry and play based learning opportunities appropriate to developmental needs.
  • Flexible R-6 grouping opportunities.
  • Formative assessment, reflection and feedback practices.
  • Supporting the development of growth mindset and positive learning dispositions: Reflective, Resourceful, Resilient, Reciprocal
  • 6 C’s of Global Competency: Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Character & Citizenship