
"Engaging Hearts, Inspiring Minds"
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Learning Intervention

Students can be identified for Intervention support by site based diagnostic assessments, formative or summative assessment processes, NAPLAN and PAT analysis or through external assessments and dignostic reports.  

Our literacy and numeracy blocks are well supported to provide opportunity for extensive differentiation during key explicit  learning times.  

We implement the 3 waves of Intervention:  

  • Wave 1: Classroom Differentiation  
  • Wave 2: Intervention Programs  
  • Wave 3: One Plan and other specialised Individual Learning Plans for students with diagnosed needs. 

We offer the following intervention programs for identified Wave 2 & 3 students:  

  • MiniLit 
  • MultiLit 
  • Speech program (supported by Regional Support Services)  
  • Math for Learning Inclusion
  • Too Smart 
  • Quick Smart
  • What's the Buzz
  • 1:1 / small group support in a range of areas – eg typing, ICT skills, writing development, phonics development, spelling skills, social skills etc